Calm In The Eye Of The Storm – Evoke Your Senses

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I love what I do…

Not just because I enjoy great products and effective treatments but mostly because of you, the people I normally spend my day with. It might be that you have just popped by for the quickest of treatments or to buy something from the Sesderma range but no matter what it is I know that Bare Beauty has provided you with something positive.

And so as the lockdown continues and we are unsure of when the salon will be open again I began to think about how I can still provide a little bit of indulgence and calm from the comfort of your own home. So I present Bare Beauty’s Celebration of Women – The Candle Collection.

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Each candle is hand poured by me and I have spent many hours finding the right mix of wax to make sure these candles not only look great but burn well too. I have combined Beeswax with Soy Wax, which provides strength and a longer burning time. They are all natural and vegetarian.

They can be purchased in black or white. Unscented or scented with Baies or Clary Sage. They are £12.50 and gift packaged in a recyclable box and sprinkled with dried flowers.

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Baies is a heady combination of Blackcurrent leaves and Bulgarian Rose – it makes me think of luxury and we all deserve some of that.

Clary Sage is our other scent. As an essential oil it provides so many qualities that women need. It is considered to have a very calming effect and aid with regulating breathing, so it is particularly good during pregnancy. It can also aid in balancing hormones and reducing stress levels.

Recycling Sesderma

During my experiments with wax and scents I had excess wax. I had also used up my Glicare Eye Cream and my Vitamin C moisturiser. These Sesderma products come in beautiful heavy glass jars so what else could I do but turn them in to candle holders?!

If you have bought any Sesderma products and they are suitable to be changed in to candle holders once you have finished them please let me know. This will be free of charge as my gift you and the environment.

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Beginners Guide to Essential Oils

Sleep and Relaxation

Lavender- this is one of the best fragrances to promote relaxation and a good nights sleep

Vanilla- has a sedative effect and can reduce restlessness making it a great stress reliever.

Combining the two scents will calm your brain and give you a great nights sleep.

Bergamot- studies have shown that this scent is linked to promoting positive mood changes by helping to reduce the stress hormone.

 Anxiety and Depression

Orange, Lemons and Lemongrass – these scents all have energising qualities that have been shown to help reduce anxiety.

Camomile- Use it fresh or in a tea, this flower is known to reduce symptoms of anxiety and is also a great anti-inflammatory.

 Respiratory and Blood Pressure

Eucalyptus- great for opening the airways and combatting the symptoms of congestion, coughs and sore throats.

Aches, Pains and Nausea

Rosemary- a fantastic herb that improves circulation and reduces headaches, muscle pain and arthiritus. Everyone should have a pot of Rosemary on their office desk to improve memory performance and cognitive stimulation.

Peppermint- can help treat headache symptoms and reduce nausea.

Ginger- The age old remedy for morning sickness. Works wonders for reducing nausea and vomiting and can also provide antiseptic properties.

Stay Safe and looking forward to seeing you soon,

Harriet x